What might surprise you about working with this dietitian

What might surprise you about working with this dietitian Today I wanted to share a few things that might surprise you about working with a dietitian – and more specifically what it is like to work with me as a dietitian. After all, I cannot speak for all dietitians, as we all have our ownContinue reading “What might surprise you about working with this dietitian”

Let’s talk about weight without dieting

Let’s talk about weight without dieting A tale of two Bronwyns Bronwyn Then I first became a “dieter” around the age of 15 or 16. I lost some weight, then spent another 7-8 years trying to maintain that body weight or (always hopefully) lose more. It was a rough time. My life revolved around myContinue reading “Let’s talk about weight without dieting”

Weight Neutrality

Weight Neutrality What is Weight Neutrality? I wanted to write a post that discusses the idea of weight neutrality, because my assumption is that it might be a new term for many readers. And you may have seen the term “weight neutral dietitian” tossed around a bit around here, so it is important to talkContinue reading “Weight Neutrality”

A healthy relationship to food

A healthy relationship to food What exactly does it mean to have a healthy relationship to food? For today’s blog post I wanted to talk a little bit about what I mean by helping people improve their relationship to food, because it’s a term that is getting used a lot more, but doesn’t necessarily haveContinue reading “A healthy relationship to food”


2021 Hello, and welcome to the first post of 2021 and this blog. My name is Bronwyn and I am a dietitian living and working in Kamloops BC. My hope as a registered dietitian offering private practice services in Kamloops BC is to offer people an alternative to the typical nutrition related education most peopleContinue reading “2021”